Hi All
With River Mirrors out now it’s time to announce our (almost) national tour. There’s an event for it HERE and we’re hoping you can join us. If you’d like to purchase the album on limited edition 180 gram vinyl, CD or download you can do so at our BANDCAMP STORE. Vinyl is also available at Red Eye Records, Beatdisc Records and Pigeon Ground Records. CD’s at most clued in places.
Wed May 7th Smith’s Alternative Bookshop – Canberra ACT + special guests
Thur May 8th The Bridge Hotel – Castlemaine VIC + Machine Translations
Fri May 9th The Gasometer Hotel – Melbourne VIC + Machine Translations + Jacky Winter
Sat May 10th The Exeter Hotel – Adelaide SA + Jamie Hutchings (solo)
Fri May 16th The Loft – Chevron Island Surfers Paradise QLD + Tall Tails + David Baker
Sat May 17th The New Globe Theatre – Brisbane QLD + The Stress of Leisure + special guests
Thur May 22nd Yours and Owls – Wollongong NSW + special guests
Fri May 23rd The Lass O’Gowrie – Newcastle NSW + Indian Gun + James Wiley
Sat May 24th The Factory Floor – Marrickville NSW + The Holy Soul + Lobsterman
New Infinity Broke Album – River Mirrors – Out This Week
Solo Shows In Melbourne This Week
Hello musical sophisticates,
Firstly, in case you missed it Infinity Broke has a new single called Sinless. You can stream it below
Feel free to request it on whatever radio station you currently listen to.
The other recent piece of news is the completion of the Infinity Broke video clip for Swing a Kitten. My brother and Infinity Broke’s resident percussionist/auteur Scott did a sterling job.
Our album River Mirrors will be out April 4th on Come to the Dark Side Luke/MGM on CD and limited edition 180 gm vinyl.
Now to this week – I am coming down to Melbourne for three solo shows. The first one is this friday and it’s my headline show at The Wesley Anne.Here’s the details-
Friday Feb 14 – The Wesley Anne
250 High St Northcote Hill
Jamie Hutchings +
Andrew McCubbin + Sam Shinazzi + James Harrison
$13 on the door.
Saturday Feb 15 – 24 Laity St Richmond
This is a backyard show at the above address. All welcome, the show starts at 1.30pm and concludes in the early evening. I’ll be on around 5pm I think.
Sunday Feb 16 – Pure Pop Records
221 Barkly St St Kilda – 5pm – 5.45pm
This is a free instore gig at record store/bar Pure Pop in St Kilda.
More info on these shows here –
Then, Infinity Broke’s first show of the year and our last before the album drops on April 4th.
Thursday Feb 27th – Brighton Up Bar
77 Oxford St Darlinghurst
Infinity Broke
Golden Blonde
Darren Cross
$12 tickets
Facebook event –
When You’re Dealing With Infinity Anything Is Pozible
Dear Comrades,
Again, thanks to all of you have got on board our Pozible crowd funding campaign to get the Infinity Broke – River Mirrors album out next year. Also if you came down to our show at Black Wire last Friday night thanks for putting up with my stench. So far with what’s been pledged we’ll be able to get the album manufactured onto cd as well as 180gm vinyl. Nice. With what’s trickling in we’re getting close to covering mastering as well. However we’d love it if those beyond this incredibly discerning listening circle you belong to could hear the album when it comes out. So, we’re hoping to keep raising funds to cover publicity and advertising costs. There’s still time left so we’ve decided to release some new pledges.
Given how popular the limited edition CDR’s were when we launched this (the whole lot sold out in two days) we have decided to launch a new CDR treat.
(compiled from live shows and radio live sessions – none of these recordings have been available previously and will be available as a full length CDR one off).
Again, these are extremely limited. We’ve bundled them up in four different formats –
– Infinity Broke – River Mirrors signed cd
+ Bluebottle Kiss CDR 1999 – 2007 live limited edition album – $58
– Infinity Broke – River Mirrors signed 180gm vinyl LP ( includes download)
+ Bluebottle Kiss CDR 1999 – 2007 live limited edition CDR – $70
– Infinity Broke – River Mirrors signed cd
+ Bluebottle Kiss CDR 1999 – 2007 live limited edition album
+ limited edition Infinity Broke t – shirt (let us know your size) – $85
– Infinity Broke – River Mirrors signed 180gm vinyl LP (ncludes download)
+ Bluebottle Kiss CDR 1999 – 2007 live limited edition album
+ limited edition Infinty Broke t-shirt (let us know your size) – $95
to check this out go to our Pozible Headquarters
Dear Friends
As I may have informed you, myself, Jared, Reuben and Scott have named our next phase/band Infinity Broke. We have lots of news, firstly –
Yes that’s right. We need your help. The album ‘River Mirrors’ is recorded and mixed however we need to fund the pressing on C.D and vinyl (yes) plus mastering, publicity and on it goes. Never fear though, it’s not money for nothing! We have 59 days to raise $5000. You can pledge anything from a little to a lot, the pledges start at C.D and vinyl versions of the new album all the way through to t-shirts, pseudo box-sets, one-off unreleased recordings on lovingly burnt CDR, live performances in your lounge room,the list goes on, it’s really stretched our collective imaginations! Please pass this on to your friends, loved ones, parents and pets. It will really help. Just go here
This is the first taste of the new album. Because we trust you so much you can ‘pay what you want’. This is available for download on Bandcamp and it comes with an exclusive non-album one-man-band four track recording as a b-side called ‘Slaughterhouse Jive’ for all you Vonnegut nuts. Find it here
This seems as good an excuse as any for a live performance. This is our first show under the ‘Infinity Broke’ moniker and a chance for you to get a look in on the new album. Great lineup, good price and you can bring your own beer if you want to.
I will post the starting times once I know them but yes, it will be at night time.
We have a facebook page and an event there too.
x JH
Infinity Broke/Solo Shows/Website Update
Hi Groovers,
I haven’t sent word for ages so I’ll try not to blather on too much and just get down business.
Next week I’m heading south to play three solo shows in support of my ol’ mate Mark Moldre. I’ll be playing in Mark’s band but thought we’d keep it in-house – so I’ll be opening each show – plus I haven’t played solo in the ACT or VIC for yonks.
Thurs, 12th September
The Front Gallery & Café
Shop 3, 1 Wattle Place, Lyneham, ACT
Mark Moldre 9 pm
Jamie Hutchings (solo) 8 pm
Fri 13th September
Babushka Bar
59 Humffray St Nth, Ballarat, VIC
Mark Moldre
Jamie Hutchings (solo)
Sun 15th September
The Workers Club
51 Brunswick St, Fitzroy, VIC
Mark Moldre 10 pm
Jamie Hutchings (solo) 9pm
Isaac De Heer 8pm
INFINITY BROKE: Gig/Album News etc
Some of you may have witnessed the odd sporadic appearance of ‘Jamie Hutchings and the Goldfish Memories’. We’ve decided to rename the band ‘Infinity Broke’. Our album is mixed and ready to be mastered and will be released next year once we work out all the release stuff…we have a Facebook profile here:
We’ll be putting a downloadable single out in a little while and to celebrate it we’ll be playing a show. It’s a way off but it’s going to be a lot of fun. Black Wire, is a not for profit record store/performance space and is also BYO so it’ll be informal, loose and fun.
Fri 1st November
Black Wire Records
219 Parramatta Rd, Annandale NSW
Infinity Broke
+ Ted Danson With Wolves
+ Trent Marden Ich (The Holy Soul)
$12 BYO
We’ll have news about the single soon. Excitement.
With all this excitement, I felt it was time the website got an update. Mark has applied some spit and polish and you can check it all out while you’re paying us a visit. The idea is it’s a one-stop shop for all my musical endeavours past and present. Unfortunately, the old Bluebottle Kiss website is pretty much a graveyard. Since Bluebottle Kiss is now defunct, the website is no longer being updated. If you have queries regarding solo stuff, Infinity Broke stuff or Bluebottle Kiss stuff (though be aware Bluebottle has been inactive since 2007) drop me a line at jamie[at]bluebottlekiss[dot]com
That is all.
Brisbane Show/Mark Moldre Album Out Now
Hi Friend/s
This week I head up to Brisbane for a one off solo show at the Dowse
Bar in Paddington on Thursday evening. I’ll be playing selections from
my illustrious back catalogue so come on down. I’m heading up as
guests of We All Want To as they are playing a special show the
following night with a different singer guesting for every song. I
will be one of those, details for that go here –
THUR APRIL 18TH @ DOWSE BAR ( Corner of Caxton St & Dowse St Paddington )
Jamie Hutchings (solo) 9:00-9:45pm
Kate Jacobson (Texas Tea) 8:00-8:45pm
tickets $12 pre/ $15 @ the door
Also Mark Moldre’s new album ‘An Ear To The Earth’ is now out. It was
produced by myself and recorded by Chris Colquhoun at the same place
we did Avalon Cassettes. Very similar cast.
You can grab a copy at the links below:
It’s a great record.
For more info go to
Recording Update, Gigs And Photo Gallery
Hi Everyone,
Here’s a bit of an update. We’ve added a photo album of the recent
recording sessions out in Mount Rankin you can check that out below. At
the moment life has been getting in the way of starting the mixes so
it’ll take a while but not y’know…not My Bloody Valentine long or
There’s a Goldfish Memories show going on this Friday at the Green
Room in Enmore. It’s our first for the year and so far the only one we
have on the calender and it’s free. A really great intimate venue so
make sure you get there early for a good spot. All going well we may
throw the odd old noisy classic in there as well.
Fri April 5 @ The Green Room Lounge – 156 Enmore Rd
Jamie Hutchings And The Goldfish Memories
+ The Exiles
I’m also heading up north to do a rare solo in Bris Vegas. This is the
first solo show for me in Brisbane for years so I’ll do my best to a
play a broad cross section of my gear. It’s at Dowse Bar in Paddington
with special guest Kate Jacobson of the well travelled Brisbane duo
Texas Tea. I’m being brought up by We All Want To who have asked me to
guest on a track the following night. They’re getting a whole swag of
different singers to perform their material as a special show on Fri
April 19 at The Judith Wright Centre.
Thur April 18th @ Dowse Bar – Cnr Caxton st and Dowse st
Jamie Hutchings (solo)
+ Kate Jacobson (Texas Tea)
$12 pre-sale / $15 door
Last Shows of the Year! Sydney & Newcastle
Gentle Men and Gentle Women,
Some time has passed since I last cornered you with one of my one-way monologues. I would greatly appreciate you allowing me to get a few matters off my chest. It gets so cold and lonely on the interweb.
529 Hunter Street
+ Hope Springs (QLD) + Indian Gun
Hay Street (Off Gerorge Street)
Haymarket (under escalators opposite Harrys Cafe de Wheels)
+ Bearhug + Hope Springs
These two shows will feature Jared on drums, Reuben on bass and Scott on second percussion/guitar and me. We are recording a new album in a shearing shed in Bathurst in January and these two shows are the last two we’re doing before heading out there to melt. The volume will be up. It’d be nice if you could come.
Loads of L.O. artists at Notes in Newtown. Solo set by Jamie around 10pm or so.
Not too long ago we went to France for a week of shows. The lineup was Reuben, Sophie, Scott and myself. There’s some decent quality footage of Reubs, Scott and me doing two new tunes at the Binic Folk Blues festival. The two songs are – “Only the Desert Grows” and “Monsoon.” They’re a little loose in parts, but are a reasonable indication of where the new album will be headed. Watch HERE
Then Scott and I did a week long tour of China. Here’s some footage of us playing in a Hutong for a Chinese music website.
Here’s an account of Scott and I touring China in Mess and Noise
What am I gonna do with them?
Buy any two of my solo albums and I’ll give you something free. A mintie or a stamp or a c.d or something. I don’t know yet.
Some of their albums are pretty good.
France And China Tour: August 1-12
My brother Scott and I are getting ready to jump on the plane to meet our bass player, Reuben, and my pianist sister, Sophie, for our run of shows as “Jamie Hutchings And The Goldfish Memories” in France (August 1-5) followed by Scott and I doing a duo tour on our maiden voyage to China. (August 8-12).
Also, my website is back in the land of the living. It was hacked by a bunch of fun lovers from the other side of our fine planet, but anyway – it’s back – and for the first time you can now read all my European Tour Diaries chronologically on the one page.
If you’re over in France or China the dates and details are listed on our Upcoming Gigs page.
PS The photos in this post were taken by a brilliant photographer by the name of Jim Rolon