Hi everyone
As Sydney starts easing out of lockdown, all the best of British luck to everyone. it’ll be nice to spread our wings a little again.
As you may know the Infinity Broke tour has been postponed until February. If you haven’t got yourself a copy of Your Dream My Jail, you should, we think it’s worthy of your ears, it was a certainly quite a journey to arrive at! You can by it on Bandcamp on LP, CD or as a download. There’s a handful of Infinity Broke t-shirts left in the merch section as well.
In the meantime, I’m very pleased to announce that I’m putting on a very special show to enter the other side of lockdown. It’s being (very imaginatively) billed as Jamie Hutchings and Friends. The ‘friends’ part includes Peter Fenton , Laura Jean, Ben Fletcher (Fletch and I will be doing some Bluebottle songs for only the second time in almost twenty years) and Scott and Reubs will join me on a few. Grab a ticket swiftly, it’s limited capacity, a one off and is less than four weeks away. Expect Infinity Broke, The Tall Grass, Bluebottle Kiss and solo material with some of the original (and a first time with Laura Jean!)players.
Thur Nov 4th – Django Bar, Marrickville. Doors 6pm.
Jamie Hutchings joined by – Peter Fenton, Laura Jean, Ben Fletcher, Scott Hutchings and Reuben Wills.
Rescheduled Dates
We’re really looking forward to presenting these songs live. We did one show in Sydney and then everything came to a standstill, grab your tickets below.
Fri Feb 4th – Brisbane – The Bearded Lady w/ Tape Off + It’s Magnetic
Sat Feb 5th – Ipswich – Banshees Bar and Art Space w/Tape Off
Sun Feb 6th – Brisbane – Sonic Sherpa Records
2:30pm inshore performance
Thur Feb 10th – Canberra – Sideway w/Nick Craft + Guests
Fri Feb 11th – Melbourne – Nighthawks w/ Tom Lyngcoln
Fri Feb 18th – Woy Woy – Link and Pin w/guests
Facebook Event
Sat Feb 19th – Marrickville – The Great Club w/ Peabody + Jessica
See you all soon
Hello everybody
Welcome to Spring, at least in Oz. Sydney weather is currently beautiful, we are also currently being totally punished by the Delta strain of Covid. Hopefully you’re all getting by. As you probably know, the ‘rock band’ I play in, Infinity Broke has recently released its third album. The album is called Your Dream My Jail and is our first in six years. Things have been a little bit uneven due to worldwide craziness but here’s the latest news on all of that.
We finally have stock of the vinyl version of the album. Thanks very much for your patience, particularly those of you who pledged via our Pozible crowd funding campaign some time back. They are on their way to you, if you haven’t received them yet.
We had some substantial delays with the whole current pandemic situation, but it’s here now! Stampers were pressed by Pallas in Germany and the final pressings were done at Holiday Records in Auckland NZ. It was worth the wait, we think it’s a great pressing, there were only 200 made and there’s less than 50 left. We’ve also made a bundle deal available if you want both a LP and CD version, we’ve reduced the price on that one. Lastly we have a handful of t-shirts available. As I type, there are nine left.
You can listen to the album in advance on Bandcamp and streaming services as well. You’re all clever ducks so I reckon you can google your way to those.
If you’re digging the album and bought it on Bandcamp, you can leave a review if you like. They prop up our collective self esteem and help spread the word.
To get any of the above items just click here
We’ve had to reschedule our album tour due to the lockdowns. The dates have moved to Feb ’22. All tickets remain valid and are still on sale. Here’s the dates below:
Fri Feb 4th – Brisbane – The Bearded Lady w/ Tape Off tickets
Sat Feb 5th – Ipswich – Banshees Bar and Artspace w/ Tape Off tickets
Sun Feb 6th – Brisbane – Sonic Sherpa Records – instore 2:30 pm performance
Thur Feb 10th – Canberra – Sideway w/ Nick Craft – free entry
Fri Feb 11th – Melbourne – Nighthawks w/ Tom Lyngcoln tickets
Fri Feb 18th – Woy Woy – Link and Pin – free entry
Sat Feb 19th – Sydney – The Great Club w/ Peabody + Jessica tickets
Thanks everyone
Greetings all
We’re deep in lockdown here in Sydney, everyone gets a turn! We’re quite stoked that Infinity Broke got to sneak our first gig in ages in before the lockdown hit. Commiserations to all who have had gigs cancelled since! We shall endure.
We have just released the second single from our forthcoming third album Your Dream My Jail. It’s called Dragon’s Breath and it’s available as a ‘pay what you want’. Download it HERE
It was recently premiered on Backstreet Mafia where it was described as a ‘Fiery, passionate, anthemic delight’. Thank you BM. You can read the review as well as play the song HERE or on all streaming services.
If you haven’t heard our previous single Death of a Tourist it’s also available as a three track single (two previously unavailable tracks are included) at our Bandcamp site HERE and while you’re at it check out our latest clip – as premiered by Rolling Stone Australia
“With the song released earlier this month, it’s now been accompanied by a Mark Moldre directed video, featuring the group performing the track in an industrial environment, armed with masks and the same sort of devil-may-care attitude that helps to turn a track like “Death of A Tourist” into a powerful, lingering piece of musical expression”
Our third album Your Dream My Jail will be available digitally July 23rd, vinyl and CDs will be available for pre-order from then as well at our Bandcamp. They will ship on Aug 4th, you will also be able to buy or at least order the album on LP and CD from your local record store from that day as well through Come To The Darkside Luke Music/ MGM distribution.
If you pledged on our Pozible campaign and ordered the album on CD or as a CD and T-shirt package then you will receive it any day now, if you haven’t already. If you’re outside Australia it’ll take a few weeks to arrive. The vinyl test pressings are due any day now and hopefully vinyl shortly after. As soon as we receive the vinyl we will start getting it out to our Pozible pledgers. Facts, facts, facts. Big thanks to you all!
Tour dates should be announced later this month. We will be touring QLD, ACT, VIC and NSW in late September through to early October and are very much looking forward to it unless the world is engulfed by a Sharknado.
In the meantime have a listen to Dragon’s Breath and play it to your friends. Sharing is caring.
Stay safe
NEW MUSIC : Death Of A Tourist
Thanks so much to everyone who has got on board for this. We’ve had some very generous pledgers and no matter how big or small your pledge is it all helps facilitate the release of our third album, which is slated for release in late July. In the meantime there are a few days left to pledge. If you have pledged just make sure your payment/pledge has been approved and gone through, they will confirm by email and will let you know if there’s a problem. Pledges go from an LP or CD right up to a limited to pledgers-only-numbered-and-signed-CDR of myself performing the songs in their most stripped back form. There are also handwritten lyrics, songwriting/guitar lessons, house shows, lots of stuff. Pledge here
The first single to be released from Infinity Broke’s third album (Your Dream My Jail) is Death of a Tourist. It’s up on our Bandcamp site at the ‘pay what you want’ price. It comes with two b-sides which will not be on the album. We always appreciate you buying our music, you can purchase the download here
It will be available from all streaming services and you can pre-save it here
There’s also an excellent review of the single premiered on Backstreet Mafia here
‘There are no brakes on this one – a barely contained and utterly satisfying chaos that brings to mind The Birthday Party or early Models in its anarchy, power, and delivery.’
We will be launching the single in Sydney on June 19th at Hi Way Bikini Bar, Newtown. Special guests are Fabels. It’s our first local live show since 2018.
Tickets are available here
Facebook event is here
If you want to come, best get a ticket as they’re limited and these Covid times are uncertain!
Take care all
Hello everyone
I hope you’re enjoying Autumn if you’re down here. If not Spring is very nice too.
That’s right. Infinity Broke’s third album is finally ready to see the light of day, but we’ve spent every farthing we had on recording and mixing it. As of midnight tonight our Pozible crowd funding campaign will be go.The money from your pledges will go towards manufacturing on vinyl, CD and all the associated costs to do with birthing an album. There is loads of yummy stuff on there and it will run until May 13th. Please have a look here –
It tells the story of the album’s tempestuous gestation, and you can have a peek at all the cool pledge options. We are currently starting to rehearse for shows in the future, we’ll give you more news on that soon.
The album is called Your Dream My Jail.
As always your support is much appreciated.
Jamie Hutchings At Django Bar

Hello everybody
I hope you’re all coping okay and not getting too much of a moon tan from copious hours spent indoors.
I did one show in January this year and it rained so hard we almost swam to the venue. Now I find myself doing my second show of the year and it’s during a global pandemic so it’ll be a bit special too.
Jamie Hutchings Thur Sept 10
Django Bar (Camelot Lounge downstairs)
Doors at 6pm
Show starts 7pm until 8:30pm
Limited seating of 50 due to COVID-19 restrictions
Tickets here
Social distancing will be respected, it’s tables only and if you have the sniffles then best to stay plugged into that Netflix life support system of yours.I’m looking forward to this, I’ll be playing songs from all over my illustrious career. Feel free to request something in advance if you like, but only if you’re coming. I don’t want to be scrambling through the back alleys of my mind for no reason. It’s wall to wall junk there as it is!
Apart from this I’ve just spent a week producing the new album for Sydney’s Restless Leg at Lost Sound studios. Very excited about their record. Yes…
The new Infinity Broke album is still patiently waiting to be mixed but I do believe that will be a happening thing within the next couple of months.
Slowly, slowly.
That’s all for now
Lots of love
Dear everybody
Welcome to (almost) May. I can’t remember when it was that I last send a newsletter out but haven’t things changed since then? It feels a little trivial to be writing you about whatever music news I have going on, but I shall punish you with it regardless. I do hope that you’re all coping okay with everything.
1. Bandcamp is waiving its revenue share as of tomorrow May 1st from midnight to midnight US time. In other words anything sold on their site/s goes 100% to the artist. I’ll send any physical copies direct from these sites to you. They are:
Jamie Hutchings
Infinity Broke
Bluebottle Kiss
The Tall Grass

2. Anything that is my share from the above sites will go directly into paying for the mixing of Infinity Broke’s third album. It’s recorded already, we did it at the excellent Golden Retriever studios in Marrickville. We’ve been trying to get this album to happen for years, demoing, losing a member, demoing again, lots of behind-the-scenes bubbling away so it’s a great feeling to be on the way to releasing new music again! So please consider buying something. Bedsit (Jamie Hutchings) and Before Before (Infinity Broke) are still available on vinyl, and there’s heaps of stuff on CD. Downloads of course as well.
3. The Tall Grass, my collaboration with Crow frontman Peter Fenton is writing songs again via the inter web. Yes, hard to believe us mature age types would be capable but we haven’t written anything together for a few years now so hopefully this will keep bubbling away as well. We were both very proud of our album ‘Down The Unmarked Road’ so hopefully there will be another.
4. Unrelated to me in a music sense but in a blood sense my sister Sophie Hutchings has a new album out called ‘Scattered On The Wind’. She needs no promotional help from me as this album is out internationally via Mercury KX records but it’s a huge achievement for her, her music is really surging in popularity and is available on all formats. You can get to it HERE
x JH
Welcome to February everyone
Firstly thanks to everyone who purchased Bandcamp stuff from me in January. It all went to the NSW Rural Fire Service, around $200, not a fortune but more than I could afford to donate off my own bat!
People bought from all four sites Jamie Hutchings, Infinity Broke, The Tall Grass and Bluebottle Kiss. Any future proceeds will again start to go directly to me, my collaborators and our ongoing musical pursuits, ‘cuz we need it too.
If you’re in Sydney I am doing a show on Sunday Feb 9th, so that’s not much more than a week away. It’s the only show I have happening so far this year so I’d love to see you there. I’ll be playing solo, with Reuben Wills on double bass and Mark Moldre will be joining us on electric guitar for a few songs so the degree of quality will be high. Details below –
Jamie Hutchings with special guests Mark Moldre and Simone East
Feb 9th, Petersham Bowling Club (downstairs).
Doors at 5:30 pm, tickets HERE
Facebook link HERE
Apart from that the next few months I’ll be concentrating on rehearsing and recording the next Infinity Broke album, we are booked to record it in April. I’ll keep you posted on that. Also my brother Scott and I will be recording with Melbourne artist Dimitra Bucolo later this month, here is some of Dimitra’s past work with Aux Assembly .
I’ll also be playing as part of Mark Moldre’s band at the National Folk Festival in April.
Thanks for continuing to humour me.
Welcome To 2020
Greetings all
Welcome to 2020. As you know Australia is very much on fire in a bad way at the moment so the first thing I should let you know is that I’m donating all my Bandcamp sales for January to the NSW Rural Fire Service. That’s all four sites, here’s the links and thanks to you who have jumped in. LPs, CDs, downloads whatever floats your boat.
Jamie Hutchings
Bluebottle Kiss
Infinity Broke
The Tall Grass

My friend Mark Moldre had to cancel his spot as special guest on my King Hits tour due to circumstances way beyond his control late last year so we’re doing just one show together. He’ll hop up with me for a few and we’ll both have Reuben Wills on double bass with us. Only fifty seats at this one so tickets are linked below.
Sunday Feb 9th @ The Petersham Bowling Club (downstairs). Doors at 5:30pm.
Jamie Hutchings w/ special guests
Mark Moldre
Simone East
Apart from that Infinity Broke, now in reduced staff mode (Jamie, Scott and Reuben) are busy getting our songs ready and scouting out the best way to record them. When Scott and I were teenagers we often feuded over the one drumkit so we’ll be doing the same kind of thing with all the percussion parts here. Will keep you in the loop on this. My sentences in this post are way way too long, oh well.
Dear groovers
I hope 2019 saw everything go okay for you. My big musical achievements for the year were releasing my first live album King Hits And Goldfish Memories (LPs all solo out but available for download at my Bandcamp site at the bottom of this newsletter) and also seeing Mark Moldre’s excellent third solo album ‘Fever Dreams’ (which I produced and played on) get some great responses. Mark’s album is available HERE – and free postage Australia-wide for the month of December from Mark’s Bandcamp.
Thanks to all of you who came out to the King Hits And Goldfish Memories shows, I do greatly appreciate it. Reuben and I did a couple of radio things which included some decent live recordings as well as the usual chatting.
We played on Paul Gough’s 1-2-3-4 podcast, two live songs and an expansive interview. You can listen to it HERE

Also did Vital Bits on RRR in Melbourne which you can listen to HERE
If you’re after some holiday listening please do a bit of shopping at one of my Bandcamp sites, I’m always happy to pack LPs and CDs into a mailbox.
The sites are:
I’m selling a handful of Bluebottle Kiss ‘Patient’ posters on the Bluebottle Kiss Bandcamp site, but they may be gone by the time this hits, but just so you know.
Writing songs and hopefully getting back to working on Infinity Broke material with Scott and Reuben (no Jared..sob…)
See you in 2020